Archive for June 22nd, 2009

Less QQ, More Mew Mew

If you were to believe all the caterwauling on the Druid forums, you’d think the sky was falling. You’d think cats were being nerfed hard into the ground and that ferals were about to wink out of existence.

The fact is, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Here’s a bit of history:

In Naxxramas and even Heroics, cats were topping charts quite easily. We were out-dpsing those who were higher level than us and those that were even higher-geared than us.

In Ulduar the gap has been narrowing, allowing other dpsers to shine on fights (Think Hodir, Freya, Iron Council – do not think XT, or Vezax)

Now, I know the cat rotation is hard (I noticed myself this weekend I was pulling 3k on a target dummy with a sloppy rotation, then actually buckled down and paid attention and managed 4k), and that because of its challenge (I think most of us relish the challenge) we should rightfully see big numbers.

And we do.

And even after these nerfs we STILL WILL.

Because scaling remains unchanged, lesser-geared druids will notice a larger drop in dps than higher-geared druids, but it shouldn’t be enough to drop us to the bottoms of the charts. As long as you’re alloting your stats correctly and executing your rotation well, you should still enjoy robust numbers.