Posts Tagged ‘ skills ’

The Ball Is Angry

If you know me then you probably know that I’ve been playing a good amount of League of Legends (LoL) lately. It’s a fun game with a certain visceral playstyle that I hope is mirrored in Guild Wars 2.

When playing LoL, it’s not necessary to constantly monitor your skills. You have four character skills (unique to and constant for that character) and two summoner skills (global across all characters which can be changed before a match is begun). Movement is click-to-move and attack, so Q W E R F and G are re-mapped to be your skill buttons. This took some getting used to.

Because there are only six skills to worry about, memorizing them and their effects is relatively easy. There is a health, mana, and experience bar on the bottom of the screen as well as a target box on the top, but these are wholly unnecessary. You, your teammates’ and all enemy units have their health and mana displayed above their head. This is a true Head’s Up Display. I don’t need to look at extraneous bars elsewhere on the screen to monitor the damage I’m doing or the damage I’m taking. It’s right there in front of me. I don’t have to look at a casting indicator to see what the enemy is doing, the skill effect makes it quite obvious.

Area of Effect skills have colored rings to denote friendly or hostile skills. We know Guild Wars 2 is also doing this and it’s a simple and supremely effective tactic. The skill particles and animation conveys the skill’s effect while the border color conveys its friendliness.

All that information is great and very important to an active combat style, but it’s not the most important comparison I’m drawing between LoL and GW2. What I’m talking about is battlefield control, and that’s where my lovely clockwork lady comes in.

Meet Orianna. She’s a bit of an odd duck. All of her skills revolve around her ‘pet’ ball. With her first skill, Command: Attack, she throws the ball. It does a decreasing amount of damage to everything it hits along the way to its destination. So if your goal is to harass and bully some enemy players that are hiding behind a line of creeps (weak NPC trash mobs) you’ll need to execute some flanking maneuvers, or throw the ball twice, once to get through the creeps and again to slam into an enemy champion.

Her second skill, Command: Dissonance, creates an electrical field in an area around the ball’s current location. This field does a middling amount of damage, but more importantly it slows foes and speeds up allies. ArenaNet is making heavy use with this type of mechanic in Guild Wars 2. Look at Ray of Judgement for example. It lances out lightning that bounces between friend and foe alike. When it strikes a foe it causes damage, when it strikes an ally there is a small amount of healing done. Giving a skill multiple effects based on the target adds depth and more utility than most skills. With Command: Dissonance I can use it to kill a mob of creeps, I can use it to slow enemy champions, helping my team net a kill, or I can use it as a speed boost to either chase or get back into the action after a death. It’s an extremely useful skill.

Orianna’s third skill, Command: Protect, has similar utility to her second. The ball flies from wherever it is and attaches to a friendly target. While in transit the ball does damage similar to that from Command: Attack. It forms a protective barrier around the ally (or Orianna herself), absorbing a small amount of damage, but it also generates a weak static field and does damage to any enemy nearby. From one skill we get damage in a line, damage in an area, and protection.

Her fourth (ultimate) skill isn’t worth mentioning in the context of this post. It basically creates a vortex and sucks enemies in and does damage. There is no effect on allies.

So that’s how the ball works in black and white, but once you bring it into an active combat environment multiple nuances of color start appearing. Orianna’s ball cannot be killed, targeted, or attacked, but Orianna can and she can be very fragile. The ball offers extreme range but even more it offers the opportunity to control the battlefield.

Early in a game farming creep kills is paramount to generating experience and gold. Orianna’s ball is used to harass the enemy champions and keep them away from the line of skirmishing creeps, thereby starving them of experience and gold. Doing this I’m not using the ball at all for attacking creeps, I’m taking pot shots at the enemy champions, throwing the ball into the bushes, and generally being as annoying as possible.

Later in game comes the team fights. Gigantic melees where it’s almost impossible to know for sure where exactly the ball happens to be sitting. In these situations the ball is in its prime. Movement here is key. Throw the ball beyond the attacking champions, damaging along the way. Command: Protect to the melee ally that is running in, once again doing damage along the way. When battle is joined cast Dissonance, doing damage, slowing the enemy, and speeding allies.

Very rarely do I lead in killing blows, but Orianna is a fantastic support character. Playing her requires one to be hyper aware of the battlefield: where are your allies, where are the enemies, who is low on health and will casting Protect also net you some damage?

This all compares directly to combat in Guild Wars 2. When I started playing League of Legends I watched a tutorial video. If it weren’t for the commentator pausing and pointing out specific things I would have been completely lost. There are so many creatures on the screen and so many different effects going off that for the uninitiated it looks completely chaotic and unmanageable. Do these complaints sound familiar? They should. Remember this video:

When discussing this gem I heard a lot of concern about how chaotic everything looked. The skills going off demanded our attention and since we aren’t familiar enough with the gameplay it all looks like so much noise. This leaves me feeling hopeful. I had a similar reaction when I started playing LoL and now I revel in the fast-paced combat. Between the spare User Interface, the descriptive skill effects, and Orianna’s control the battlefield playstyle I feel like I’m in pre-Guild Wars 2 boot camp.

What have you been playing lately that you feel could be preparing you for combat in Guild Wars 2?


Now Don’t Get Your Tail in a Twist

First off: Arenanet? You are such a tease. But you probably already knew that, and that’s ok.

Secondly, a new article came out about the skill system and weapons. The article advertised some racial info but I found the article to be pretty anemic on that front. That’s ok too, there’s plenty else to chew on there and patient Tiger is patient.

I’m seeing some baaaawing about it on facebook (I should really find a forum to haunt) as well as some misunderstandings. I’ll go ahead and distill the information into short, concise points. I’ll put my personal speculation in parenthesies.

Weapons – Split into three categories:

  • One-Handed: Axe, dagger, mace, pistol, scepter, and sword.
  • Two-Handed: Greatsword, hammer, longbow, rifle, shortbow, and staff.
  • Offhand Only: Focus, shield, torch, and warhorn.

Notes – Some professions can wield One-Handed weapons in their offhand. (This implies such exciting combos as dual daggers, sword/pistol, etc).

Weapon Skills – Yesterday we learned there will be 10 skills, 5 of which will be determined by what you’ve currently got your grubby little mitts around at the time. Further reading in this article reveals that:

  • 3 skills will come from your main-hand weapon.
  • 2 skills will come from your off-hand weapon.
  • Different skills will be supplied when you pick up random bits of detritus.

Environment – Many, MANY things can be interacted with. It also sounds like environmental objects can be manipulated to create new objects.


Breaking a barstool over the head of a rowdy bar patron can yield a chair leg that can be used to great effect as a club.

Professions – I was right about the number of professions. Excuse me for a moment while I pat myself on the back….

There, now on to the highlights:

Professions are split into 3 groups based on armor class:

  • Scholar: Wears light armor, 3 professions fall into this category. (Elementalist is likely among them. This could also include Necromancer, Monk, Mesmer, Ritualist, and possibly the Dervish from the original.)
  • Adventurer: Wears medium armor, 3 professions fall into this category. (Ranger, Assassin, and possibly the Dervish could fit into this category from the original.)
  • Soldier: Wears heavy armor, 2 professions fall into this category. (Warrior and Paragon could fit into this category from the original.)
  • (I doubt all these professions will be in GW2. They did mention that there would be some new classes mixed in with the old. I for one have got my fingers crossed for the Assassin and Mesmer to make the cut.)

Secondary Professions, sadly, will not be included in Guild Wars 2. This isn’t something that makes me raving mad or makes me want to cry, but it does sadden me a bit. I was never one to make heavy use of secondary professions, but I did think it was a neat mechanic that set Guild Wars apart.

Instead of having secondary professions, however, it appears that there will be some heavy synergy between the 8 single professions.


the Elementalist might drop a Wall of Fire in front of a group of enemies. The warrior could enter the firewall and use Cyclone Axe, an attack which causes him to spin rapidly, sending the firewall outward and hitting his foes.

Races – It sounds like the second 5 skills are available for racial skills. (What isn’t said, however, is if these slots are only for racial skills or if you can choose between racial and profession skills for these slots. My guess is that the latter will be true.)

Elite – Aaaah the elite skill. I have many a memory of adventuring way out in the back of beyond with my husband (and any hapless friend I dragged along) in order to hunt out a certain boss to capture an elite skill. In GW2 it’s said that we will have an elite racial skill. I don’t know if our available elites will only be racial, but I for one hope not. There’s also no word on how skills will be obtained. This bears watching.

I hope I can get a new computer soon. I’m already tired of distilling someone else’s news. I don’t suppose anyone knows if an AMD Athalon II X2 3.0Ghz processor is appreciably different from an AMD Phenom II X2 3.1Ghz processor? I’m not going to quibble over .1Ghz. Here’s a link to the comparison. (Psst, I’ll be springing for the Asus Crossfire III motherboard, all other components I’m willing to take second-best so long as it’ll let me run Maya, Photoshop, Firefox, and Winamp all at the same time)

I Killed A Dragon, And Learned Something New

So, you’re runnin’ around in ful feral glory, rocking a bearcat spec, dpsing in the best kitty gear you’ve been able to get your hands on. The 3.1 patch is still somewhere over the horizon and thanks to your abysmal gold-making abilities you’ve barely got enough for regular raiding, so constant re-specs are unheard of.

You’re nowhere near the top of the damage meters and, while leagues ahead of your DK and Warrior tank-offtank counterparts, you still wish you could eke out more DPS.

I made one change in my rotation last night that netted me approximately 300 extra damage per second.

I switched from casting Savage roar on five combo points to casting it on three.

My previous combo point rotation was:

5 cp – Savage Roar
2-3 cp – OOE – Tiger’s Fury
finish up to 5 cp – Rip
5 cp – Savage Roar
5 cp – WAY OOE – Rip falls off, Rip

OOE is out of energy. I’ll end up using Tiger’s Fury, depending on crits, somewhere either before my first Rip of shortly after. That helps get me up to 5 CP again to refresh Savage Roar (which is only about halfway ticked down, but if I don’t refresh it then it’ll fall off entirely)

Then, by the time my Rip is ticking down dangerously low I’m OOE again and have been for quite some time. It’s all I can do to keep Rake and Mangle up with the energy available, let alone squeeze in Shreds. Inevitably, by the time I make it to 5 combo points again Rip has fallen off and my DPS has taken a hit as a result.

Last night I switched things up a bit.

3 cp – Savage Roar
5 cp – Rip
3 cp – Savage Roar
OOE – Tiger’s Fury
5 cp – Rip
3 cp – Savage Roar
5 cp – OOE – Rip
3 cp – Savage Roar
Still OOE – Tiger’s Fury

During the build-up of Combo Points for the third Rip I found myself going OOE again, but since I had cast Savage Roar on 3 cp before instead of 5 I had a cushion of time to wait for my energy to regen and by the time I had 5 combo points I was in plenty of time to refresh Rip without it falling off.

If I get a chance I’d like to try to test these two variations in the rotation against a dummy. I’m thinking 3 minutes of DPS-time for each test, self-buffed, and without using Berserk.


Yes, the capitals are REQUIRED!


I see lotsa hunters QQing about their missed ammo changes and beasticuffs and stuff and running around in circles and getting under-foot.



Venerable Lady Tigerfeet has UNDOCUMENTED infoz for hunters that should send you all scampering in glee.


They fixed Dust Cloud.


All you Tallstrider lovers out there?

Dust Cloud.




What? You thought I actually had something important to say?

Feral Charge [Car]

Non-WoW related post today. Skip if you like, but I recommend you take a look at what I have to say. It’s a guide of sorts, and yes I’m putting it on my sidebar.

I’ve got readers from all over the place who I’m sure have family that live all over the place. Holiday season is here and chances are you’ll be driving around. What I’m going to share with you is what I’ve learned about driving in awful weather.

Some History:

I grew up in a small rural town. My first experiences driving involved my Grandfather’s truck and a hayfield. At thirteen I was fetching the car for my parents from the parking lot at Sunday Church. At 15 I began drivers education through my High School but didn’t get around to actually getting my license until I was most of the way towards 17. I took my official test for my license amid heavy blowing snow and passed with flying colors (yes even the paralell parking bit).

At 18 I moved to Chicago for college and learned what city driving was like. (It’s kinda like tanking, you want to max out your avoidance and always be alert). The thing about driving in Chicago is everyone tailgates. If you’re not tailgating someone you’re going to get cut off. Some other idiot is going to speed up on the side of you doing 90-something and swerve in front of you. It sucks, and it only perpetuates the problem. So in Chicago I learned to be alert and defensive in my driving.

Chicago gets a lot of snow, but in the city and the suburbs you don’t learn diddly about driving in adverse conditions. See, there’s a veritable army of snow ploughs and salt trucks that are deployed at the meerest hint of a snowflake. The roads are kept pretty much constantly clear. Unfortunately the ridiculous amount of salt on the roads will rot the bottom out of your car before you can blink, but at least you aren’t going to careen into a ditch because of hard-packed ice.

It wasn’t until I moved a bit east, after college that I learned what winter can truly do.

Some Stats:

I drive a 2000 Saturn SW2. For you non-car-types that’s a little Saturn Station Wagon with those new-fangled fiberglass dent-proof sides. Well, they’re not so new-fangled anymore, and not even in production.


For a station wagon, my car is cursed light.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? Well, I’ve got the floating part down. Under the right conditions I’ll float right off the road.

And I have.


Some Strategy:

First and foremost, as a convicted speeder, I want to tell each and every one of you that if you’re not driving on a dry, warm road, agressive driving won’t get you there faster, it’ll get you there dead. In my state we have a slogan about drunk driving “Arraive Alive”. This works for driving safely under adverse conditions as well.

I’m going to start from kinda bad, and work my way up to conditions that are simply impassable.

Medium Rain:

The important thing to know about rain is that it washes things. This might sound obvious, but let me explain.

During the course of cars and trucks using the roads they put off pollutants. These can be exhaust, oil from the engines, scum that falls off the bottom, dirt, even agricultural run-off contributes to the gunk that’s on the roads. When everything’s dry and warm this really isn’t a problem. Tires get good traction and everything is safe.

When it starts to rain, however, these road pollutants are loostened from the road and mix with the water that is now on the road. Anyone who’s washed dishes can tell you that oil will float on the top of water. This creates a very dangerous surface to drive on, and makes conditions ideal for hydroplaining.

Note: About the first 15 minutes of rain are the most dangerous. After the first 15 minutes most of the road scum has been washed away and you only have to worry about the water, not the combination of oil and water.

  • Hydroplaining: If you’re not sure you’ve ever felt it you probably haven’t. It’s a very curious feeling and one that makes my insides knot and my pulse race every time it happens. As you’re driving, no matter how nice your car, there will be some road vibration. When you start to hydroplane your car is actually ‘surfing’ on top of the skin of water that’s on the road. All vibration ceaces and handling decreases to almost none.
    • What to do: First and foremost, take your foot off the gas. DO NOT slam on the brake, DO NOT make any sudden turns. While hydroplaining your car is NOT under control. Inertia is in charge here and it will keep you going straight (or slightly to the side if there’s a lot of wind). In most cases, once you stop applying forward motion gravity and friction will take over to slow you down and you will regain contact with the road. It’s important to not slam on the brakes either. Some tires may be in contact while others are still skidding. If one tire has traction and brakes it’ll act as an anchor and you could very well skid out of control. So, If you feel yourself Hydroplane, take your foot off the gas and coast until you feel your car reconnect with the road.

Heavy Rain:

Same story as medium rain, except there’s a lot more of it. Visibility will be awful and you have to watch out for ‘curtains’. Btw, if you don’t have your lights on, what’s wrong with you? Even if it’s raining in the middle of the day, even if it’s just a medium shower TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS! In rain during the day they’re not there to help you see better, they’re there to allow other motorists to see you. I almost killed myself driving in rain once because I came up on a silver car going 40 without his lights on. I could not see him until I was almost on top of him.

So, about those curtains I mentioned. In really heavy rain, more common with lots of wind, rain doesn’t fall evenly. There will be clear patches and there will be heavy patches, and there will be curtains; places where the rain comes down in a sheet so thickly that you can’t see through it. It looks like a wall in front of you. Simply slow down, and be alert. If you have your lights on, and everyone else has theirs on you’ll be fine, but be alert for idiots that think because it’s the middle of the day, no matter how heavy the rain, they don’t need their lights.

And that’s it for rain! Snow is a WHOLE other animal too, I’ll be expanding this guide in the future, but for the sake of getting this out and maybe helping someone here ye be 🙂